Climate Change Teacher Course

The UNESCO course on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development (CCESD) for secondary teachers is designed to give teachers confidence, through a series of six-day programmes, to help young people understand the causes and consequences of climate change today.

The course aims to bring climate change education outside the science classroom into all subject areas liable to be affected by climate change. These include as ethics, social studies, economics and political science, among many others.

Using a holistic approach, pedagogical approaches and techniques in their own school environment, teachers can develop the capacities to facilitate climate change mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk reduction learning. Teacher education institutions can also use the course to update CCESD content in their pre-service and in-service training programmes through pedagogical frameworks, exercises, regional resources and guidelines.

Users can access to the learning materials through Flash-based software. The Flipbook format provides an on-screen textbook experience along with the functionality of web links to quickly access other pages, or complementary information (e.g. PowerPoint slides).

“There are many exciting grassroots initiatives on education for sustainable development underway across the world,” says UNESCO’s Director-General, Irina Bokova. “Behind each one are engaged young people and teachers, inspired by the spirit of solidarity. Education is a pillar of the future we want to build.”

UNESCO’s Programme on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development is engaged in building that pillar. In addition, the programme explicitly includes disaster risk reduction in its activities and tools.

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