Climate change education resources

This list was produced by Ben Ballin and published by Sustainability and Environmental Education (SEEd) News.

Most, but not all, of these resources are accessible online without cost.

Teaching resources, stimulus materials and programmes

A Giant Change:

Association for Science Education:

Climate Change Evidence and Causes:

Effective strategies for talking about climate change in the classroom:

The Adventures of Polo The Bear (Pay-for book):

CBBC: In pictures, the changing world

Climate change, local and global:

Supporting resources:

Climate KIC:

Design and Technology Association: Focus climate change (pay-for digital materials):

Eco Schools:

Energy (Primary):

Geographical Association:


(Secondary case study):


Green Teacher:

Interclimate network:

Learning to choose: climate change:

Less CO2 (programme includes free workshops):

School Energy Efficiency:

Oxfam climate challenge 7-11:

Peacemakers (climate workshops):

Practical Action:


Teaching resources:

Royal Geographical Society with IBG):

Climate 4 Classrooms:

Climate Change workshop resources:

Climate change resources (KS3):

Galapagos and El Nino (GCSE resource):

Engineering our climate:

60 second guide to climate action:

Solutions for the planet:

Thinking through climate change:

Policy and background

The Big Issue: Putting climate change on the curriculum (Part of special edition, April 2019).

The climate curriculum petition:

NAEE blogs:

Networks, action and support

Campaign Against Climate Change:

The Climate Coalition:

Climate outreach:

The Climate Reality Project Global Education Group (Facebook):

NAEE (Environmental Education):

SEEd (Sustainability Education):

UK student climate network:

West Midlands Sustainable Schools Network (network of organisations and individuals providing support to schools):


Related issues

Hubbub: Plastic fishing:

Plant for the planet:

Sussex Green Living:

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