Climate Change Project Ideas
Here are some ideas for projects to be run by school students who want to make their peers more aware of active in fighting against climate change.
ECOSOC Youth Forum
The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum is an annual initiative of the President of the Council. It has evolved into a key platform where young people can contribute to policy discussions at the United Nations through their collective ideas, solutions and innovations.
As the main platform for youth to share their ideas at the global level, the Forum allows representatives of youth-led and youth-focused organizations and networks, youth advocates and other youth stakeholders to dialogue with Member States, and to explore ways and means of promoting youth development and engagement. Participants take part in brainstorming sessions, interactive speaker panels and discussions with Member States on the annual ECOSOC/High-Level Political Forum themes. Other gatherings held in the framework of the Forum, including side events, encourage participants to further engage with one another on a wide range of topics.
Young Reporters for the Environment
YRE gives young people aged 11-25 a platform to research environmental issues and promote solutions through investigative reporting, photography, and video journalism.
Website says that Keep Britain Tidy operates the scheme in the UK, but they have not submitted anything.
Keep Wales Tidy has 183 students participating.
They have downloadable resources and an international competition.
Operation Noah
Operation Noah is a Christian charity working with the Church to inspire action on climate change.
Their website has resources for education and activities
BBC Young Reporters
If you are 11-18 years old then this is a chance for you to tell the stories that matter to you.
BBC Young Reporter (formerly School Report) works in partnership with schools, colleges, youth organisations and charities to provide young people with the skills they need to create and understand the media.
Schools, colleges and youth organisations can register online.
We’ll then send you all the information you need about events, resources and opportunities which will take place throughout the year.
As part of the project, you can find BBC online resources relating to media literacy and the skills involved in broadcasting.
For more see their website
Climate Change and Me
A research project called Climate Change and Me ran from 2013 to 2017. It helped to establish a platform for children and young people to express and connect their attitudes, awareness and understandings of climate change in New South Wales, Australia. We worked with 135 children and young people, aged nine to 14, and encouraged them to generate their own lines of anthropological and creative research.
Their responses ranged from ethnographic studies within their own communities, to artworks, photo-essays, science fiction stories, poetry and films. Through this project, we found that young people’s lives were deeply affected by climate change, and that they were politically and creatively motivated to take action.
The website is no longer available on the Internet but it is described here.
BBC Radio Series “Climate Change and Me”
Five radio programmes produced in 2018 containing the following:
Richard Dawson on the UK’s engineering infrastructure, flooding and climate change.
Jennifer Leaning on human migration, the environment and climate change.
Geographer Mary Edwards on the melting of ice in the Arctic and climate change.
Environmental scientist John Lawton describes the impact of global climate change on birds
Marine biologist Callum Roberts on how corals showed him the impact of climate change.
They could form the basis for discussion in a climate change school club.
Howdy, Stranger!